Hey !
Liz Tomey here from LizTomey.com and for the last several months... over a year actually… something has been weighing on me pretty heavy, and I want to share it with my peeps. That's you 😘 YOU are one of my peeps and I want to open up a bit with you, so bare with me ok?
Last year before I took off to Mexico, I started
back reading my Bible. Someone had posted something on Facebook to the effect of "how can you call yourself a Christian if you don’t even know God’s word (the Bible)". That was a bit of a wakeup call to me because I DO call myself a Christian and I do live my life as a Christian. I try every day to be Christ like. I think that’s the only REAL definition of a Christian. Someone who tries to be Christ like. That’s a conversation for another day though.
Anyway, I decided I needed to jump back into reading my Bible and praying for God's guidance through it. I wanted to get closer to him to find what I'm supposed to be doing in this part of my life. What's my purpose? We all have these thoughts at times, right? Well, while getting back into reading the Bible it was just boring me to tears. Maybe I shouldn’t say that about the Bible, but it’s the honest truth. So, I went over to Amazon and found a
couple of Bible study guides. I picked one and began using it to digest and understand the Bible.
I was waking up every morning praying for God to guide me as I read his word (still doing it daily), and reading that day’s verses that I was told to read in my study guide. After a few months I decided to get a journal because so much was coming to me from God at this time. I was learning and listening, and one day while listening, God spoke to my heart and I got the idea
to create my own bible/prayer journal. The one I was using was ok, but I wanted something better and more useful for my needs. It truly felt like a calling from God. I told God that while in Mexico I would create this journal and put it up for sale for anyone who was wanting a good journal to use to while praying and learning from the Bible.
Well, I went to Mexico and never got around to doing it… 😬
Let me tell you… When you
tell God you’re going to do something he has a way of holding you to it. He has put me through the fire while still blessing me, but WHEW! It's been tough...
I got back from Mexico in January. It’s been almost a year now and God and I have been going back and forth over this journal. I just didn’t feel like I was the person to create something like this. I mean I’ve got a “potty mouth” as my mom always called it, I don’t live a life that most would call
“Christian like”, I’m not a “Bible expert”, I don’t even go to church every Sunday (because I believe “church” is wherever you and God meet and when you speak about God with others that’s church to me), and the list goes on and on. I kept asking, “Why me, God? There are so many others out there who would be better for this. I’m not right for this, God.”
Evidently God sees something I don’t because he then put it in my heart that I needed to create a
full on business and help others who like me might not be the perfect picture of a Christian, but who want to share their faith and even do it in a profitable way if they want.
For months I have been fighting God on doing this… I’ve had the worst year of my life this year. Losing people, fighting depression, some bad business decisions, and the list goes on and on. It’s been a ROUGH year! And the whole time God has been in my ear saying… “Are you ready to
do what you’re supposed to do?”
It’s Christmas Eve (at the time of this writing)… I’m sitting in my house alone, sick with some kind of “crud”, and while I'm not "ready", I will be moving forward with all of this. I’m finally going to do what I’ve been scared to do for over a year now. I’m going to come out with a whole new brand to help others who are like me and want to share their faith. Be it sharing their faith in the business they currently have
and/or want to start a faith based business from scratch.
Don’t worry… All my other brands will still be around and I’m going to stay focused on doing workshops and creating PLR content just like I have, but I am also releasing a new brand where I will be doing workshops and creating PLR content for faith based businesses and/or those just wanting to share their faith in a world where it's getting harder and harder to be able to
share our faith.
The first will be a workshop to kick off the brand. It will be called The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop and I will show you how to create your own faith based blog and show you several ways that you can monetize-it and ideas for ways to share your faith. Not only that, but you’ll also get a lot of content to start it off and content to market it. This is going to be an amazing workshop PLUS some done-for-you touches. :)
You'll also get PLR to the entire thing. 🎉
I will also be creating that prayer journal and giving you guys the PLR to that along with a ton of other faith based products and content that you can use and/or sell. And there will be a lot of other workshops too. With PLR of course 🤑
As I said… I’m still going to be talking all things online business and Internet marketing without talking about my faith, but here and
there I will also be working on this new business to help out my fellow believers too.
I hope those of you who are my fellow Christians will support me in this new adventure and I hope that those of you who are NOT Christians will allow me to take up a little space in our “normally scheduled programming” to do what my heart and my God is pushing me to do. I won’t be pushing religion down ANYONE’S throat, preaching, or anything like
that. I’m still crazy ol’ me who eats, sleeps, and breathes marketing and online business, but I also want to help others out who want to do business while sharing their faith too.
I know this is a long message and I’ve bared my soul here, and I appreciate those of you who are still reading. I’ll be back in a week or so with the release of The Faith Based Blog Profits Workshop (which will of course come with PLR so you can learn and
For now though I have some juicy AI stuff I’ve been wanting to share with you guys, so keep an eye out for that TOMORROW. I'm going to be doing a full blown 5 day live workshop for using PLR and AI for big-profits the EASY way. I will be releasing it with a limited number of PLR licenses too, so make sure to jump on it quick if you want to scoop up the PLR to it.
2024 is going to be an amazing year for us all. I
can just feel it. Thanks for being on this journey with me and I look forward to helping you in 2024 in all the ways YOU need me!
Talk soon!
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