Hey !
Liz Tomey here from LizTomey.com and with the last release of my latest PLR offer, you might have seen the price increased a bit. This is going to be happening for MOST PLR offerings moving forward.
First because I only offer 100 licenses for PLR packages I release. That limits
me, but helps you with a little bit of competitive edge.
Second, and this should probably be first, I am creating content for you just like I would if I were using it in MY online business. Meaning all of my knowledge goes into every PLR package I create.
It doesn’t matter if it’s just content or full on products…
I'm not like many of the PLR sellers out there who outsource their content and try to sell you crap
content because I’m too cheap to pay for high quality content creators.
This is ME creating the content. Using all of my years (almost 20 years now) of learning and implementation. Not just learning the topics, but using the topics, knowing what the end users want and need, and the list goes on and on.
Now these aren't crazy price increases, so don't worry… I just need to make it worth my while to provide you with content. Hopefully
that doesn't sound arrogant. If you know me, you know the one thing I'm not is arrogant.
I just need it to be a win/win situation...
You win because you get REALLY good content that people will actually pay for and be happy to pay for your products, marketing, etc., and I win because I can make-money providing you this content.
I mean I am human contrary to popular belief. 😜 I have bills and an
expensive taco addiction to feed. 🌮
So, here's the pricing structure moving forward...
Regular TEXT based content will be launched at $17 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $47. That's still a HUGE discount.
Here's an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past https://www.TodayInPLR.com/pick-a-business-model-plr
Regular VIDEO based content will be launched at $27 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $47. Again, that's still a HUGE discount.
Here's an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past https://www.TodayInPLR.com/creating-profitable-marketing-pages-plr
BIG content packages will be launched at $27 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $97. These are always released with dime sale pricing so the price goes up a little with every sale. The 24 hour launch period
is excluded from dime sale pricing. It's simply $27 for the first 24 hours. In the past I have offered either regular PLR or Reseller PLR. Reseller PLR will be the only thing offered with these moving forward. You’re actually going to save money here in the long run. 😉
Here's an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past https://www.TodayInPLR.com/plr-on-plr
5 day workshops (the PLR option) will be launched at $47 for the first 24 hours and then the price will increase to $197. Do it need to say it again? 😉 That's still a HUGE discount.
Here's an example of one of those packages that I have released in the past https://www.BackpackBusinessLifestyle.com/sp/the-backpack-business-lifestyle-profits-blueprint-workshop
I do release other kinds of content packages and those prices differ and are based on how much content is in the package. The prices always vary though. The above are the
"structured" packages I offer.
My PLR packages always come with a lot of bonuses and teaching aids to help you make-more money with my PLR content. I've already begun adding more to these packages, so with the price increase you WILL be getting more value too. This isn't just a random price increase just for fun. 😆
Many many MANY of you have been buying my PLR content for a VERY long time, and I truly appreciate your
continued support. Customer or not yet a customer, I truly value you, your time, and your trust.
I look forward to providing you with more PLR content in the future and any tools, learning aids, etc. that you need to learn to use PLR profitably-in your business.
If you're still struggling to learn to make-money with PLR content here's a playlist of many of my PLR tutorials on YouTube where you can start learning for-free!
Talk soon!
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