Hey !
Liz Tomey here from LizTomey.com and I was working on something for a coaching client in The Team Tomey Elite Coaching Club the other day.
He wants to use PLR content in his
I'm the go to girl when it comes to that kind of information. 😉
So, I started combing through everything I had on the topic that was individual tutorial so we could see WHAT his business needs and how he can meet those needs with PLR.
Whew! I have created so much content on this topic.
Even I myself was blown away on what I've done. 😂
Now this
coaching client didn't need EVERYTHING. We went through what he did need and put together a killer plan.
I have several others in this program who could use this information too, so I took everything I found and gave it to everyone in the group as a resource.
They LOVED it!
This information is so valuable that I didn't want to keep it JUST for my closed coaching group because I know
I have a lot of readers who could REALLY use this content.
I've decided to give it to you for-free!
If you want to see a ton of ways to use PLR content in your online business,
AND see how to implement those tactics don't miss these resources.
There are 26 different resources and they're all about using PLR in your business!
THIS is how you make-money with PLR content and USE it in multiple ways in your business.
Take a look at it, decide what YOU need, LEARN, and then IMPLEMENT it.
Don't let
that PLR just sit on your harddrive. PROFIT-with it!
Check it all out at https://liztomey.com/blog/the-big-list-of-plr-tutorials
Questions and comments on using PLR? Then come into the My IM Mastermind and ask questions and I'll help you
Talk soon!
Need help? Send me a message at http://www.LizLive.com